Archipedia New England (ANE) is a collaborative online encyclopedia of New England’s architectural heritage compiled directly by a community of craftsmen, architectural historians, architects, and those who share a love of New England’s building traditions. ANE fosters an appreciation of the value of New England’s material culture to enrich present and future generations.

Brian Pfeiffer | Founding Editor
Brian Pfeiffer is an independent architectural historian with over 40 years experience working on historic preservation projects throughout New England. Brian has managed projects for Historic New England, the Architectural Conservation Trust for Massachusetts, Preservation Massachusetts, Inc., Historic Boston, Inc. and the Nantucket Preservation Trust. He has been invited to lecture on New England architecture for the Irish Georgian Society, the Scottish National Trust and the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies at York, England. He has been a contributing writer on New England architectural topics to Apollo Magazine, Antiques & Fine Arts Magazine, and Timber Framing, the journal of the Timber Framers’ Guild.

Patrick Goncalves | Co-Founder, Director of Community Engagement and Strategic Initiatives
Patrick is a higher ed marketing and communications professional with over 15 years of experience in multimedia production. Patrick has produced promotional content for Boston University, MIT and Boston College. He is focused on providing strategic solutions for the digital domain and skilled in leveraging new technology to administer and measure successful promotional initiatives. Patrick holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in New Media from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and a Master of Science in Media Entrepreneurship from Boston University.

Jane Ward | Editor
Jane has been a professional librarian, archivist and copy editor for nearly 30 years, and has worked for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Schlesinger Library in Cambridge, Mass., the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass, and the American Textile History Museum. She has been the Assistant Editor for the Colonial Society of Massachusetts since 2002 and has copy edited a number of Society publications. She also was a copy editor for the Essex Institute Historical Collections and the Peabody Essex Museum Collections, and wrote a newspaper column for The Sun in Lowell, Mass., from 2000 to 2010.

Penelope Austin | Plasterer & Conservation Mason
A member of The Worshipful Company of Plaisters in London, Pen has extensive academic and applied training in the full range of techniques for preparing, installing and conserving lime plasters and mortars, including mouldings, scagliola finishes, modeling, casting, gilding and color-matching paint. Pen has worked on a wide range of buildings from Elizabethan plasterwork at Hardwick Hall (1590s) in the United Kingdom to the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is a two-time recipient of the Nantucket Preservation Trust’s Traditional Building Techniques Award.

Michael Burrey | Timber-Framer
Michael has pursued a lifelong interest in traditional building crafts. After studying Early American and Colonial Life as an undergraduate, he worked as an Interpretive Artisan at Plimoth Plantation researching and interpreting colonial building techniques. In 1999, Michael established his own restoration company. His carpentry skill has been recognized by his selection in 2014 by the Historic Royal Palaces to carry out the hewing and squaring of new timbers to be used in the repair of the Tower of London. Michael is current the second-year instructor for the North Bennet Street School’s Preservation Carpentry Program.

Frederic C. Detwiller | Architect, Preservation Planner
Frederic C. Detwiller is an architect specializing in restoration, preservation and historical research throughout New England. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Architecture from Princeton and an Master of Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia. Rick worked on the restoration of the Faneuil Hall Markets in 1968 with Architectural Heritage, Inc. and Frederick A. Stahl Assoc., Architects. He has advised the National Park Service, Salem Redevelopment Authority, Boston Redevelopment Authority, MBTA, MDC, and the Mass Highways’ Central Artery Tunnel (CA/T) Project with McGinley Hart & Associates, Project Conservator. In 1981, he received the State Doric Dames’ Bulfinch Award for Restoration and Preservation.

Anne Forbes | Architectural Historian
Anne holds a Bachelor’s degree from Smith College, a Master’s in Art from the University of Wisconsin, and a Master’s in Preservation Studies from Boston University. Working as an independent preservation consultant for more than thirty years, Anne has prepared a dozen historic property surveys and nearly fifty National Register nominations for properties in Eastern Massachusetts. She has worked with architects as a preservation consultant on numerous projects and has served on a variety of municipal and non-profit boards to promote historic preservation, including the Acton Historic District Commission of which she was the longtime Chair.

Wendy Frontiero | Architectural Historian & Architect
After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in English literature, Wendy obtained a Master’s degree in Preservation Studies from Boston University and a Master of Architecture degree from MIT. Her present work includes historical research, architectural surveys, National Register nominations, design review and design review guidelines, and environmental review, as well as building condition assessments and supervision of architectural restoration projects. An independent consultant, she partners mainly with municipal and non-profit clients and has lectured on architectural history at the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Michael Gault | Carpenter and Cabinetmaker
A native of New Hampshire, Mike has studied forestry management and holds an Associate’s degree in Applied Science from the Thompson School of Applied Science at the University of New Hampshire where he concentrated on Construction Management. Michael’s skills include finish carpentry, fine interior woodwork, custom-made furniture and carving. In 2015 he fabricated and reconstructed missing exterior woodwork for the Nicholson-Andrews House in Nantucket.

Willie Granston | Architectural Historian
A native of Northeast Harbor, Maine, Willie Granston is a PhD candidate in the History of Art and Architecture Department at Boston University. His studies focus primarily on American architecture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and he is especially interested in resort architecture and the relationship between architecture and the environment. He obtained a BA from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and has an MA from the University of Delaware, where he studied in the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture. Willie is on the board of the directors of the Great Harbor Maritime Museum, where he has curated several exhibits pertaining to the history of the Maine coast.

Kathy Kottaridis | Executive Director, Historic Boston, Inc.
A native of Dover, New Hampshire, Kathy received her BA in History from the University of New Hampshire, an MA in Historic Preservation from Boston University, and a MA in Public Administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Since June of 2007, Kathy has served as Executive Director of Historic Boston, Inc. Kathy previously served as Associate Director of Public Affairs at Northeastern University, Director of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Office of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Director of Economic Development at the Boston Redevelopment Authority, Director of the City of Boston’s Office of Business Development, and founding Director of Boston Main Streets.

Jessica MilNeil | Preservation Carpenter
Jessica is a graduate of Oberlin College where she earned a degree in Environmental Studies and Visual Arts before launching her career in carpentry as a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club’s construction crew. Jessica developed her carpentry skills and understanding of timber-frame construction at the North Bennet Street School from which she earned a Diploma in Preservation Carpentry. Since 2008, Jessica has worked for Preservation Timber Framing.

Fred O’Connor | Project Manager
With more than 35 years experiences in building, Fred has developed expertise in a wide range of building crafts from color mixing and matching for ornamental painting as well as general paint to the preparation and installation of lime mortars. Fred has also developed carpentry skills in the repair of historic sash, including re-milling muntins and spliced repairs of damaged wood. Formerly crew supervisor for the care of Historic New England’s museum properties, Fred now manages the care of historic buildings owned by Historic Harrisville, Inc.

Hillary Hedges Rayport | Chair of the Nantucket Historical Commission
Hillary Rayport is Chair of the Nantucket Historical Commission and Vice Chair of the Nantucket Atheneum. She and her husband live seasonally in a 1748 home on Nantucket. Prior to devoting herself to motherhood and pro-bono activities, Hillary worked in venture capital investing in both New York and London. She was Vice President of Cytel Software, a data analytics company, where she re-positioned the focus of the company and closed the largest revenue transactions in the company’s history. She was also an investment consultant with Cambridge Associates, where she advised museums, foundations, and private clients. Hillary holds a B.A. in English from Princeton and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Earle G. Shettleworth | Architectural Historian
A native of Portland, Maine, Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., attended Deering High School, Colby College, and Boston University and was the recipient of honorary doctorates from Bowdoin College and the Maine College of Art. At the age of thirteen, Shettleworth became interested in historic preservation through the destruction of Portland’s Union Station in 1961. A year later he joined the Sills Committee which founded Greater Portland Landmarks in 1964. In 1971 he was appointed by Governor Curtis to serve on the first board of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, for which he became architectural historian in 1973 and director in 1976. He retired from that position in 2015. Shettleworth has lectured and written extensively on Maine history and architecture, his most recent publication being Maine in World War I, which he co- authored in 2017. Mr. Shettleworth has served as State Historian since 2004.

Arron Sturgis | Timber-Framer
Born and raised in Keene NH, Arron graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1983 with a degree in Psychology before embarking on a career of historic preservation in 1987. In 1992, Arron founded Preservation Timber Framing; a company specializing in the structural repair of historic timber-framed buildings with special expertise in the repair of historic churches and their steeples. Arron has served two terms as president of Maine Preservation and remains an active member of its Board of Trustees.

Charles Sullivan | City Planner & Historian
A graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Charles is a city planner and self-taught urban historian. Since 1974, he has served as the Executive Director of the Cambridge [Massachusetts] Historical Commission, the city’s historic preservation agency where he oversees an archive cataloguing all of the city’s buildings. In 2016, Charles was a co-author of Building Old Cambridge: Architecture and Development, a comprehensive architectural, social, and economic history of the western part of Cambridge.

Betsy Tyler | Freelance Historian
Betsy Tyler is freelance historian, writer, and the author of more than three dozen individual house monographs prepared for the Nantucket Preservation Trust (NPT), as well as guidebooks for various neighborhoods on Nantucket: A Walk Down Main Street: The Houses and Their Histories; Off Centre: The Wesco Acres Lots; and Main Street, ‘Sconset: The Houses and Their Histories (with Michael May). Betsy was the inaugural Obed Macy Research Chair of the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) from 2012 to 2016 and is currently an NHA Research Fellow.

John Tyler | Editor
John W. Tyler is the editor of publications for the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Since 2014, he has been the editor of The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson and Smugglers and Patriots: Boston Merchants and the Advent of the American Revolution (1986). John holds a PhD. degree from Princeton University in early American history with a minor field in the history of American art and architecture. He is a past trustee of the American Antiquarian Society and a member of the council of Historic New England.

Linda Willett | Preservation Project Manager
Linda comes to historic preservation with a degree in philosophy and a lifelong interest in historic architecture. Linda has worked for the National Trust for Historic Preservation as its field agent helping communities in the Northeast and as Curator of Buildings for the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (now Historic New England) where she supervised the care of over forty museum properties. More recently, Linda has served as the Executive Director of Historic Harrisville, New Hampshire, where she planned and carried out the conservation of the historic Cheshire Mill Complex and the re-establishment of commercial and manufacturing uses in the buildings.